Dutch Passion AutoUltimate grow review high THC

Dutch Passion AutoUltimate grow review

This weeks Dutch Passion AutoUltimate grow review comes from Pablo, who grew his huge plant under a 600W HPS with a 1m parabolic shade in a 1.2m x 1.2m tent.  The AutoUltimate was grown in a 30 litre container of Plant Magic soil and grown on an 18/6 light schedule.  That means 18 hours of daily light, followed by 6 hours of darkness from seed to harvest.

Pablo used Advanced Nutrients to feed his AutoUltimate, specifically he used Bloom, Carboload, B52, Rhinoskin, Big Bud and a Magnesium/Calcium supplement.  The best modern auto varieties can produce several hundred grams of buds per plant and under 18-24 hours of daily light the plants can have a large appetite, often needing 5 litres+ of feed per day.  The full grow review with more pictures and technical details of the grow is here.

Heaviest yielding cannabis auto seeds

AutoUltimate is perhaps the heaviest yielding Dutch Passion auto, the genetics were specially selected to produce the heaviest harvests of high-THC home grown cannabis.  Here the plant was grown under 18 hours of daily light, though many Dutch Passion growers prefer 20 or 24 hours of daily light.  Its worth saying that only the very best of the auto genetics can bloom well under 24 hours of daily light, the full range of Dutch Passion seeds are capable of it.

600W Parabolic HPS home grown cannabis

The 600W HPS is probably the most common light used by the home grower, its an affordable way to light your grow room.  The 1m parabolic light reflectors are highly rated by cannabis home growers, and for good reasons.  Parabolic reflectors may be more expensive than other types of reflector, but they give excellent light spread and penetration.

The only down-side of the parabolic reflectors is that they take up a large amount of space in the grow room.  When large plants are being grown this can lead to cramped conditions for the grower, but producing massive home grown cannabis plants is the one problem that all home growers like to have.


Large plant containers give large cannabis harvests

Pablo’s use of a 30 litre container of soil was a significant factor in his XL harvest.  Many home growers tend to use 15 litre containers (or less) with an indoor grow.  Smaller containers can allow more plants to be squeezed into the grow room, and Dutch Passion have seen monster results from as little as 6 litres of coco fibre.

The larger the plant container, the larger the root ball produced by the plant.  Large root networks are essential when growing the largest plants, the root system is required to allow the plant to absorb the minerals and nutrients that are required in large quantities.  The best quality modern auto varieties produce more cannabis than photoperiod varieties can produce in the same time period.  But the best autoflowering cannabis seed genetics have one crucial advantage over photoperiod genetics, and that is the ability to bloom under 18+ hours of light each day.

Its a photosynthesis advantage that inevitably produce more biomass, meaning more buds.  If you are looking to grow bigger plants and heavier harvests then consider  increasing the size of your container and comparing results on your next grow.

The perfect balance. Lighting, nutrients, environment and cannabis seeds

Achieving a dream home grown cannabis harvest usually requires several factors all being optimised.  That means starting with the right genetics.  Optimised grow room conditions are useless if the cannabis genetics are incapable of delivering the right result.  The lighting also needs to be optimised and a 600W HPS is a good match for a 1.2m x 1.2m tent (4 feet x 4 feet).

The most common mistake made by cannabis home growers is over-feeding and over-watering their plants.  Cannabis roots need oxygen to grow well, so over-watering can prevent the oxygen exchange required at root level.  Just as damaging is if the nutrient concentration is too high, this burns the leaves and roots and slows development.  With a time-restricted modern auto it is important to keep the plant in an environmental sweet-spot where the temperature, lighting, nutrition and growth are all optimised.

Cannabis seeds – one area of your life where you don’t want to compromise

The best home growers eventually fine-tune a growing system which works well for them.  The best quality genetics will thrive in optimum conditions and allow exceptional harvest quantities of premium quality cannabis.  Probably the least expensive way of improving the potential of your cannabis cultivation is to choose the best cannabis genetics from a seed bank that you can trust.

The cannabis seeds generally account for one of the smallest costs of the grow when compared to the costs of electricity, nutrients and equipment.  But, when you have the right genetics and the right conditions incredible results are possible, as this weeks AutoUltimate grow review showed.

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